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Nano Learning - Meaningful and Nurturing Relationships • Setting Relational Boundaries

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Meaningful and Nurturing Relationships

Setting Relational Boundaries

The quality of our relationships is the most salient determinant of the quality of our lives. Yet, few of us have received the relationship education we need to create relationships founded in curiosity, authenticity, and integrity. Dr. Alexandra Solomon wants to help bridge that gap.

In this Nano Learning series, Dr. Alexandra will help us gain a deeper understanding of the term and meaning of boundaries: what it is, what it isn't, and the different kinds. As well as learn tools and best practices that we can immediately implement in our life.

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Dr. Alexandra H. Solomon

Over the last two decades, Dr. Alexandra H. Solomon has become one of today’s most trusted voices in the world of relationships, and her work on Relational Self-Awareness has reached millions of people around the world. Dr. Solomon is a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University, and she is on faculty in the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University where she teaches the internationally renowned course, Building Loving and Lasting Relationships: Marriage 101. In addition to writing articles and chapters for leading academic journals and books in the field of marriage and family, she is the author of two bestselling books, Loving Bravely and Taking Sexy Back. Dr. Solomon regularly presents to diverse groups that include the United States Military Academy at West Point and Microsoft, and she is frequently asked to talk about relationships with media outlets like The Today Show, O Magazine, The Atlantic, Vogue, and Scientific American.

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